2023-2024 Field Trips

Sunday September 17, 2023 (Completed)


Cove Mountain is a Nature Conservancy site located outside of Marysville, PA, which recently acquired some additional adjoining property. It offers varying habitat and some fantastic mountain scenery overlooking the Susquehanna Valley. In past years we have enjoyed a variety of fall warblers and some migrating Broad-winged Hawks on this trip. Pileated Woodpeckers are another good possibility. Retired biology teacher and former AAS board member Rich Riter will return to lead this trip for us.

Wear comfortable hiking shoes and bring binoculars, water, and a rain jacket. Be prepared for moderate hilly trails with some manageable rocky terrain. This year’s route may vary from past years. Register with and get directions from Rich Riter at rriter3@gmail.com or 717-503-0073.

Saturday, September 23rd, 2023 (Completed)


Join Appalachian Audubon Society as we lead a bird walk at Wildwood Park as part of “Celebrate Wildwood Day.”  Wood Ducks, a variety of sandpipers, and migrating warblers like Black-and-white, Tennessee, and Nashville are all possibilities.  Please meet outside the Olewine Nature Center.

American Tree Sparrow at Wildwood

Saturday October 7, 2023 (Completed)


Join veteran Appalachian Audubon member Gary Labelle for a morning of birding at this former golf course thoughtfully transformed into a well appointed nature preserve along the Conodiguinet Creek in Cumberland County.

Expect to find a variety of migrants, including warblers, raptors, and passerines as well as a variety of year round residents. Contact Gary at 717 460-0115 to register.

Saturday October 14, 2023 (Completed)

Join the Capital Area Greenbelt Association on Saturday, October 14 from 9 a.m. to noon to plant 200 trees and shrubs as part of a stream restoration project on the Cameron Parkway. Riparian buffers are one of the most cost-effective ways to protect our waterways and keep water clean!��

Volunteers will meet at the 19th Street CAGA parking area (1550 S. 19th Street in Harrisburg).

What to wear: Long pants, long sleeves, sturdy shoes or boots

What to bring: Work gloves, water bottle, shovel, mallet or hammer for driving in stakes.

Note: Gloves, shovels, and other tools can be provided at the event if needed.

If you're interested in volunteering, please contact Sue Wright, CAGA volunteer and Penn State University master watershed steward, ***by September 29*** at 717-503-6482 or by email at sewright59@comcast.net.

***Rain date (if needed) is Sunday, October 15 from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm.***

Saturday October 21, 2023 (Completed)

Birds & Brews

Appalachian Audubon Society is welcoming Dickinson College Ornithology Club students to join us on a bird walk at LeTort Spring Run. We may see both species of kinglet, a variety of sparrows, and some straggling warblers.
Participants are invited to stop at Molly Pitcher Brewing Company for a beverage and some bird chat after the walk.
We will meet at 8:30 a.m. at 1110 South Spring Garden Street, Carlisle, PA 17013.

Thursday October 24, 2023 (Completed)


Join Audubon Mid-Atlantic for a hike in the woods to learn about land management practices aimed at providing wildlife habitat, improving forest health, managing invasive species, and more!

 On 10/24/23 from 5:30-7:00PM, we will take a walk around Bald Eagle Tree Farm in Blanchard, PA, for an in-depth look at forest management right in our backyard.

This tour is for anyone interested in conservation and wildlife habitat improvement, especially landowners who would like to address problem areas or start a conservation program. 

Bald Eagle Tree Farm is located on Bald Eagle Mountain near Eagleville, next to Bald Eagle State Park along the southeast border of the Foster Joseph Sayers Lake in Centre County.

The hike covers some uneven ground, and the distance is approximately 3 miles total. 

GPS coordinates: 41.05230,-77.59622

 For questions and to RSVP, please email tess.wilson@audubon.org

Sunday November 5, 2023 (Completed)


Former AAS board members Rick and Peggy Price will lead a field trip to neighboring DE’s Bombay Hook NWR. It’s been years since we last visited this tidal treasure on the Delaware Bay, located just a couple of hours from south central PA. This national refuge attracts good numbers of waterfowl and waders such as American Avocets, Marbled and Hudsonian Godwits; raptors such as Bald Eagles and N. Harriers; and an assortment of songbirds including Yellow-rumped Warblers. It also hosts a good population of Red Fox.

Contact Rick Price at rprice210@comcast.net to register and for more details.

December 2023 (Completed)


Please see the following dates and leader contacts to participate in the century plus Audubon tradition of Christmas Bird Counts (CBCs.)

The Harrisburg CBC will be on Saturday December 16, 2023. Contact Annette Mathes at amathes19@verizon.net

The New Bloomfield CBC will be on Saturday December 23, 2023. Contact Betsy Riter at rriter27@gmail.com

The York Springs CBC will be on Wednesday December 27, 2023. Contact Tim Johnson at tj359@sbcglobal.net

The Newville CBC will be on Saturday December 30, 2023. Contact Vern Gauthier at verngauthier14@gmail.com

Please note that Christmas Bird Counts are not considered AAS field trips. The CBCs are a long standing Audubon tradition that predates our chapter. They are generally considered full day activities, working in teams, and may even extend from pre-dawn till dusk. Please be sure to ask your leader if you have any questions

Saturday January 13, 2024 (Completed)


This will be a joint field trip with Lancaster County Bird Club. Depending on current conditions at the time, we may bird outside on one of the trails and/or from inside the Nature Center overlooking the bird feeder area. Last year’s joint trip produced waterfowl, songbirds, and at least two raptors. Contact Rick Price for the latest information and to register at rprice210@comcast.net or 717 657-1950.

Sunday February 11, 2024 (Completed)

< eBird link >


For two years we celebrated February with a walk around Children’s Lake at Boiling Springs. Then last year, our new tradition was interrupted due to dam repairs and a disruptive fire that destroyed the old mill building. Fortunately, Children’s Lake should be back accommodating our avian friends by 2024.

Children’s Lake can be a good spot to bird when other bodies of water are frozen over since the spring fed water maintains a fairly constant temperature all year long. Most years, American Wigeons, Mallards, Canada Geese, American Robins, and Ring-billed Gulls can be found here in numbers. In a good year Bald Eagle, Red-shouldered Hawk, and other waterfowl including Redhead, Canvasback, N. Pintail, Gadwall, and Wood Duck can also be seen. Two years ago we also found Snow Drops in bloom.

Following a walk around the lake, those who opt to stay may take a short walk along the run to spot trout and look for bonus birds like Winter Wrens, kinglets, and Great Blue Heron. Contact Jonathan and Gigi Gere to register for this event at jonathangere@yahoo.com

Friday March 1, 2024 (Completed)


This year’s trip to Middle Creek to see the Snow Goose spectacle and other notables, was again purposely scheduled for a weekday outing to avoid the thousands more visitors that arrive on the weekends during peak viewing season.

Expect to see thousands of Snow Geese and a myriad of other waterfowl. We will meet by the Visitor’s Center parking lot at 1:00 PM to allow us to watch for Northern Harriers and hopefully a Short-eared Owl along the auto tour. Three years ago we had multiple “Gray Ghost” male harriers and a small flock of Turkeys as well. Last year we sweetened the pot with American Woodcock at dusk. Dress in layers.

Contact Rick Price to register at rprice210@comcast.net or 717 657-1950.

Sunday April 7, 2024 (Completed)

< eBird link >


Haldeman Island, part of State Game Lands 290, is an important waterfowl propagation area along the Susquehanna River.  This trip will be led by Scott Bills, who formerly worked at the Game Commission. He will allow us access to the restricted area on the north end of the island and provide some background on the management of the property.  Other than many kinds of waterfowl, we may also see Savannah Sparrow, Rusty Blackbird, Northern Harrier, and Wilson's Snipe, among others.  It would not be out of the realm of possibility for us to have a 50+ species day.  Registration is required, as we must limit the group to 30 individuals.

Please contact president@appalachianaudubon.org to register.

Saturday April 13, 2024 (Completed)


Veteran naturalist Dan Welte and former AAS President Jane Earle will lead a wildflower trip together at the DiFilippo Nature Preserve beginning at 10:00 am. There should be a number of flowers in bloom along the creek trail at this time of the year. You can also expect to see a number of mature trees from the former golf course collection as well as some newer specimens planted recently. Contact Dan directly at dcmawelte@comcast.net for more details and to register. We will meet at the parking lot near the new bridge at 110 Sample Bridge Road, Mechanicsburg. Expect easy trail walking for approximately two miles.


The Young Birders Club is set to take flight into the mysterious world of owls! Join us for an evening as we explore the enchanted world of these nocturnal birds. Let your creativity soar as you create your owl puppet. Then get ready to spread your wings in a game of Owl Hunt. Don't miss this hoot-tastic event filled with learning, crafting, and playful owl antics. This event is open to the public so bring your friends! There is no registration required for this event.


Birding Vincent DiFilippo Nature Preserve

When: Sat, April 20, 9:00am – 10:30am

Where: 110 Sample Bridge Rd, Mechanicsburg, PA 17050, USA 


This former golf course is the perfect habitat to see our early spring migrants. We expect warblers, orioles, swallows, and waterfowl. This is a 2-mile walk on a gravel path. We will meet in the parking lot. There are no restrooms on-site. Binoculars will be provided if you do not have your own. To register email Anna at  youth@appalachianaudubon.org.

April 23rd: Bird Behavior: Learning, Breeding, and Personality Webnar. (COMPLETED)

Who is this for?

  • Birders

  • Wildlife biologists

  • Forest owners

  • Rural landowners

  • Natural resources professionals

  • Environmental professionals

  • Educators

What will you learn?

  • How and why biologists study animal behavior in the wild

  • A brief history of operant conditioning in birds

  • How noise disturbance affects problem solving, learning, and reproductive success in birds

  • Challenges faced by birds in the wild

This event is being offered at no charge to participants.


Sunday May 5, 2024 (Completed)


Pete Lusardi will lead a walk along the base of Blue Mountain near Carlisle Springs to look for migrating and summer resident warblers and other songbirds. This trip has a history of uncommon birds showing up including Golden-winged Warbler, Mourning Warbler, Canada Warbler, Summer Tanager, and Bobolink. Participants will meet at the second parking lot ( on the other side of the road from where we used to meet) at 7:30 AM. Contact Pete Lusardi at 717 243-6419 or pjlusardi@aol.com to register.

Saturday May 11, 2024 (Completed)


Experienced birder Kevin Shannon of Appalachian Audubon will lead a team at Memorial Lake State Park to actively count as many birds as possible for World Migratory Bird Day. In 2021 we got really lucky and counted an American Bittern in our total of 56 species. In 2022 we had 59 species. While weather patterns reduced our totals for 2023, we’re hopeful that this year we will exceed our past totals. Come out and help us in this effort.

Contact Kevin Shannon at kbsathome@comcast.net to register. Note: Be sure to wear long pants and bring insect repellent to discourage ticks on this trip.

Sunday May 19, 2024 (Completed)


AAS President Zach Richard will lead a walk around the Goat Hill Serpentine Barrens - a unique landscape that harbors a variety of shrubland and woodland birds as well as rare plants suited to the nutrient-poor soil. We can expect to see Prairie Warbler, Yellow-breasted Chat, and possibly Blue Grosbeak on the barrens and will venture along the wood edge to see Blackpoll and Pine Warblers, among others. Some plants that we may find in bloom include Small’s Ragwort (Packera anonyma), Rock Sandwort (Sabulina michauxii), Moss Phlox (Phlox subulata), and Azure Bluet

  • (Houstonia caerulea). Those interested in geology are encouraged to attend!

    Contact Zach Richard at zachrichard021@gmail.com to register. Bring sun protection and insect repellant.

May-June 2024 (Completed)

HARRISBURG FALCON WATCH - Dates to be announced after eggs hatch.

Volunteers will have the opportunity to observe and help young Peregrine Falcons at the Rachel Carson Building in downtown Harrisburg. As the young fledglings attempt their first flight, the Harrisburg Falcon Watch team will be on the lookout for mishaps or injuries.

For more information, contact Sue Hannon at hbgfalconwatch@gmail.com

Saturday June 1, 2024 (Completed)


Join Appalachian Audubon’s Jonathan and Gigi Gere for a walk to find breeding birds at this multi-habitat natural area which used to be a golf course. Both songbirds and raptors have bred here in the past and waterfowl and waders are commonly seen at the small ponds and along the creek.

Contact Jonathan and Gigi Gere to register at jonathangere@yahoo.com

Saturday June 15, 2024 (Completed)

Tabling at Butterflies, Birds, Bees, Bats, and Blooms (5B's) Pollinator and Garden Faire

At Fort Halifax Park

Please contact president@appalachianaudubon.org to register.

Saturday June 22, 2024 (Completed)


1190 Bower Rd, Shermans Dale, PA 17090, USA

The Bower is a public garden and sculpture park featuring native plants in meadow and woodland habitat. We will bird the property and tour the landscape. Please contact president@appalachianaudubon.org to register. We recommend carpooling!


Sunday 9/29/24  


Cove Mountain is a Nature Conservancy site located outside of Marysville, PA. It offers varying habitat and some fantastic mountain scenery overlooking the Susquehanna Valley. In past years we have enjoyed a variety of fall warblers and some migrating Broad-winged Hawks on this trip. Pileated Woodpeckers are also a good possibility. Retired biology teacher and former AAS Board member Rich Riter will return to lead this trip for us. 

Wear comfortable hiking shoes and bring binoculars, water, and a rain jacket. Be prepared for moderate hilly trails with some manageable rocky terrain. This year’s route may vary from past years. Register with Rich Riter at rriter3@gmail.com or at 717-503-0073. 


Saturday 10/5/24 - (Completed)


We will be meeting in Fairview Township in northern York County to search for birds in a wooded mountain area on private property.  The owners report seeing lots of warblers and other birds while walking on trails they have created on their land. The woods are full of oak, tulip, pawpaw, hickory, and other trees.  Some areas can be wet, others are steep and rocky, so wear sturdy shoes.  We will be hosted by Gary and Dianne Misiti, who have invited us to park near their restored brownstone schoolhouse at 788 Fishing Creek Road, New Cumberland, at 8am.  Jady and Bill Conroy will be the AAS leaders. Come join us! You may contact Jady for further information. 717-433-7178  

Saturday 10/12/24  - (Completed)


Second Mountain Hawk Watch is located on a mountain ridge at Ft. Indiantown Gap and sometimes surpasses renowned Hawk Mountain on its daily fall migration counts. Former AAS Board member and veteran hawk watcher Mary Brenner will be the trip leader for this outing. Bring a drink, snack, binoculars, jacket, and a folding chair for this activity. Plan to stay from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.  A porta-potty is available on site. Insect repellent is a good idea. Expect to see Sharp-shinned Hawks, Bald Eagles, and Ospreys as well as migrating passerines.  Straggler Broad-winged Hawks and early Golden Eagles are also possibilities as well as several species of falcons. 

Contact Mary Brenner at mbrenner822@comcast.net to register for this trip.

Sunday 10/13/24 - (Completed)


The Bower is a public garden and sculpture park featuring native plants in meadow and woodland habitat in Perry County.  We will bird the property and tour the landscape.  Afterwards, attendees are encouraged to visit nearby Waggoners Gap to observe migrating raptors.  We will meet at The Bower at 8am. Please contact president@appalachianaudubon.org to register.      

Sunday 10/20/24 - (Completed)


Join us, in partnership with Capital Area Greenbelt Association and Susquehanna Township, for a casual bird walk on the Veteran’s Park Trail section of the Capital Area Greenbelt.  We could potentially still see some migrating warblers and other songbirds. Please meet at the Veteran's Park Pavilion at 8am.   


Saturday 11/16/24 - (Completed)


Join us, in partnership with Capital Area Greenbelt Association and Susquehanna Township, for a casual bird walk on the Veteran’s Park Trail section of the Capital Area Greenbelt.  We should see many of our overwintering bird friends.  Please meet at the Veteran's Park Pavilion at 8am.      

Sunday 11/17/24 - (Completed)


Eastern Neck NWR is located on the Chesapeake Bay on the eastern shore of Maryland just south of Rock Hall. Rick and Peggy Price will lead this trip. We will plan to carpool from a meeting place in the Harrisburg/Hershey area. Expect to see lots of waterfowl, raptors, and some waders. We will also make an attempt to find some less common sparrows. On a distant past AAS trip we were also very lucky to find a colony of Brown-headed Nuthatches. We will try again, but no promises! 

Be sure to dress appropriately in layers for sun, wind, and precipitation. Bring binoculars, water, packed lunch, insect repellent, sunscreen, and money for dinner on the way home and an entrance fee if you drive and don’t have a current U.S. Duck Stamp or pass. 

To register contact Rick Price at rprice210@comcast.net or 717 657-1950. 



Please see the following dates and leader contacts to participate in the century plus Audubon tradition of Christmas Bird Counts (CBCs.) 

The Harrisburg CBC will be on Saturday December 14, 2024. Contact Annette Mathes at amathes19@verizon.net to register. 

The Buchanan Trail CBC (PABT) will be on Tuesday December 17, 2024. Contact Vern Gauthier at verngauthier14@gmail.com to register. 

The New Bloomfield CBC will be held on Saturday December 21, 2024. Contact Betsy Riter at rriter27@gmail.com to register. 

The Newville CBC (PANV) will be on Saturday December 28, 2024. Contact Vern Gauthier at verngauthier14@gmail.com to register. 

Please note that Christmas Bird Counts are not considered AAS field trips. The CBCs are a long standing Audubon tradition that pre-dates our chapter. They are generally considered full day activities, working in teams, and may even extend from pre-dawn till dusk. Please be sure to ask your leader if you have any questions.