Bird Friendly Coffee
Help support Appalachian Audubon and bird-friendly environments by ordering this organic coffee.
Please specify Regular or Swiss Decaf, as well as Ground or Whole Bean. The price is $12 a lb., payable when you pick it up or we meet for delivery. There will be coffee available for pick-up at the next AAS meeting.
Choose from Regular OR Swiss Decaf, as well as Ground OR Whole Bean. Send orders to Lorrie at
Please check the most recent Kingfisher Courier for the next deadline for ordering.
For pre-orders, questions, or to get on the coffee-buyers email list, please email Lorrie at Please be sure to specify "Regular" or "Decaf," as well as "Ground" or "Whole Bean."
Why Choose Bird Friendly Coffee
Not all coffee farms are created equal. Generally, farms that look like forests, often called “agroforests” for their mix of coffee shrubs and stands of trees, typically house higher bird diversity than monoculture farms that have little or no natural canopy cover. “The more it looks like a forest or feels like a forest, that’s the issue,” says Robert Rice, a geographer at the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center.
While this idea may be simple, choosing coffee that’s good for birds and other wildlife is not so clear-cut. Here's what you should consider the next time you’re out for caffeine.